Stock Informations

Our shareholding's structure features the presence of both management and institutional investors guaranteeing the long-term stability of the Company.

CELLULARLINE stock (ticker: CELL) has been listed on the Euronext STAR segment of the Milan Stock Exchange, since July 2019.

Share capital Euro 21,343,189, broken down into 21,868,189 Ordinary shares (ISIN: IT0005244618).



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Mediobanca Marco Vitale [email protected]
Intermonte Francois Robillard [email protected]
Mediobanca Marco Vitale [email protected]
Intesa SanPaolo Gabriele Berti [email protected]
Intesa SanPaolo Gabriele Berti [email protected]
IntesaSanPaolo Gabriele Berti [email protected]
Mediobanca Marco Vitale [email protected]
Mediobanca Marco Vitale [email protected]
IntesaSanPaolo Gabriele Berti [email protected]
IntesaSanPaolo Gabriele Berti [email protected]
Mediobanca Marco Vitale [email protected]
IntesaSanPaolo Gabriele Berti [email protected]
Mediobanca Marco Vitale [email protected]
IntesaSanPaolo Gabriele Berti [email protected]
IntesaSanPaolo Gabriele Berti [email protected]
Mediobanca Marco Vitale [email protected]
IntesaSanPaolo Gabriele Berti [email protected]
Mediobanca Marco Vitale [email protected]
IntesaSanPaolo Gabriele Berti [email protected]
Shareholders who own a stake of more than 5% of the share capital of Cellularline S.p.A., based on the results of the shareholders’ register as included in the communications required pursuant to Article 120 of the TUF, the composition of the Cellularline S.p.A. shareholding structure is:
Azionisti Azionariato
Christian Aleotti 12.375%
Quaero Capital 7.895%
First Capital S.p.A. 7.595%
Antonio Luigi Tazartes 7.191%
Shareholder’s agreement regarding Cellularline’s shares– Notice published according to art. 122 del D.Lgs. 58/1998 (“TUF”) and art. 129 of Issuers’ regulation n. 11971/1999 (“RE”)
Patto parasociale avente ad oggetto azioni di Cellularline S.p.A. rilevante ai sensi dell’art. 122 del D.Lgs. 58/1998 (il “TUF”) e dell’art. 129 del Regolamento Consob n. 11971/1999 (il “RE”)