Financial Highlights

Strong increase in revenues to 137.6 M€ (+25% over 2021)

The period in question ended with the main economic indicators - Sales revenues and Adjusted EBITDA  - recovering compared with the same period of the previous year, thanks to a gradual upswing in demand. 
Financial Statement 2022
158.6 M€
Sales revenues
20.8 M€
7.7 M€
Adj. Net Profit
By business area
Red Line
Red Line, which represents the core business of the Group through the same of accessories for smartphones and tablets and Group proprietary brand audio products, recorded growth of 23% (Euro 20.9 million) in FY2022, driven by in demand in the international market (40,9%), thanks to the contribution of both Cellularline and SKROSS branded products

Red Line
Black Line
Black Line, which includes Interphone brand accessories for motorcyclists, recorded sales in FY2022 of Euro 7,8 million, compared with Euro 8,2 million in 2021(-4%).

Black Line
Blue Line
Blue Line, dedicated to the sale of third-party brand products, recorded significant growth of 50,3%, reaching Euro 19,3 million in 2022, compared to 12.8 million in 2021. The positive trend is mainly attributable to strategic distribution agreement with important players in the sector.

Blue Line
4.1 By geographical area
As far as the analysis of sales by geographical area is concerned, there was in FY2022 an even balance between the domestic market (52.3%) and the international market (47.7%), with the performance in both up compared with 2021 (+20.8% for the former and +28,5% for the latter) thanks to a recovery in demand.

Key indicators
Key indicators
Key indicators